Ghost II is created as a STEAM educational aerial robot kits, specially designed to inspire children’s creative thinking. Combined with building blocks, it allows children to learn the structure of the drone in the fun of assembling. In addition, the drone could be driven as the code you write, try to write the real code, and see what will happen to the drone.

  • Inspire more creativities

    Multiple extensions supported, and you
    can conduct both drone and extension
    with the emote control.

  • Powerful for delivery

    Ghost II could provide the powerfu
    elevating force with a maximum of
    10 brushless screws

  • Safer for kids' playing

    Protection system with the safe-fail
    mechanism will auto-stop the drone
    when a crash occurs

DIY Building

Enjoy the fun of assembly and recreate
the drone with the building blocks you like

Intelligent Programming

Learn to program with Scratch/Arduino
To drive the drone with your own code

Mobile App controller

Driving by radio controller or mobile phone with App

Make a flight formation

Empowered by the UWB position system,
you can create a flight formation with two or more drone

HD Camera

Real-time recording through 720p high-speed
transmission WIFI

Application cases

  • Wheelbase


  • Power

    1106 4000KV Brushless

  • Li-Po battery

    1200 mAh/11.1 V/LiPo 3S

  • Work frequency

    2.4 GHz-2.483 GHz

  • Control distance

    100 meters

  • Flight time

    7 Minutes

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